
Sharing the Secwepemc language and culture through an immersive augmented reality Indigenous storytelling experience

Annie Cook

Download the Storybook for Free to use the Tuwitames App Today!

The Tuwitames App accompanies a storybook. The storybook contains QR Codes that when scanned bring the app to life. The stories are best viewed when printed, or viewed on another device.

Learning Splatsin's

Secwepemctsín is an endangered language. Splatsin’s dialect of Secwepemctsín only has a handful of speakers, most of whom are approaching ninety years old. 

The Splatsin Tsm7aksaltn (Splatsin Teaching Centre) Society, a registered not-for-profit organization for documenting and teaching Splatsin’s language and culture, often uses technology for language revitalization. 

These stories, called stsptakwla, convey important lessons and cultural knowledge and also draw attention to assimilation practices of Residential Schools and the Sixties Scoop. 

Language Learners
Secwepemc Population
Tuwitames App

Hearing the Language

I think it’s important for the children to hear the language because they are creating their brain, they’re growing their own brain, so if they hear the language you know, then the language will come alive instead of being lost